Eldora Trip

Go Ken Schrader!


My mom dragged me out to Eldora Speedway in Rossburg, Ohio (central part of the state near the Indiana line), but I only agreed to go on one condition: I get to have a roadtrip on the way.  So here's my adventure to Eldora on June 8, 2005.


Oh Lord, I'm stuck in Lodi again...  What's that from again? Six-laning it on I-71 South.
WB OH 95. Coming into Mt. Gilead.
There is a split for US 42 and OH 61 just before the downtown part. At US 23 on OH 95.
A large pointy object in the middle of downtown Marion, Ohio. Marion's a good-looking city.
OH 4 and OH 423 meet here.  The roads are kind of confusing, but we left OH 95 here. But not before missing the turn and having to make a u-ee.
US 33 and US 36 bypass Marysville on a freeway.  And we shall utilize that freeway.
So many routes, so little sign-space. Mommy, where do Hondas come from?
Wow, a County Road sign on a state-maintained road!  That NEVER happens in Illinois. This has to be Bellefontaine, but I could be wrong.
An unknown OH Route.  Could be 47, 235, or 29. So skip ahead a bit and here we are at OH 29 and OH 706.
A neat old railroad tunnel on OH 29 WB. Descending to Sidney.
Crossing a bridge into the city. A bunch of I-75 traffic blocking the roadway in Sidney.
I don't know why I keep taking pictures of these kinds of signs-- I hate them. A very busy I-75 SB.
Odd that ODOT would use "I-R 70" to denote Interstate 70.  Maybe "I-H" (interstate highway) 70 would be understandable, but I'd never seen "I-R" (interstate route) before. Illinois and Ohio share many of the same town names.  Such as Vandalia.  Or Urbana.  Funny thing: the town of Urbana is in Champaign County in both Ohio and Illinois!
There is a bunch of construction at the junction of these two major interstates. Just north of downtown Dayton. 
This is the best snap of Dayton's skyline that you will get from me. US 35 runs by a blue clock.
I think this is the only I-675 in existence.  Oh wait, no, there's one in Georgia, too.  Dang. The split of I-675.
Our exit, thank you very much. On OH 73 WB near Middletown.
OH 122 isn't given much priority, is it? OH 122 NB.
Hark!  A mistake hath been made in Eaton!  Should be US 35. JCT US 127 in Eaton.
Hark Hark!  Another mistake hath been made in Eaton.  I'll let you figure it out for yourself. Oh jeez, another one of these?!
We can't forget US 40! Around Greenville.  This is close enough to Rossburg to not do any more road pix.

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