Minnesota Roadtrip

Minnesota Page Two


South US 61.  Where'd US 10 go? Ah, US 10 returns!
A scene on US 61 South. I believe this is the town of Hastings on US 61 South.
US 61 South is now a 2-laner. We took MN 316 to cut the corner US 61 makes.
MN 316 starts and ends at US 61. US 61 resumes its expressway status west of Red Wing.
In the town of Red Wing, US 61 meets US 63. Going over the US 63 bridge into Wisconsin for just a sec.
US 61 goes through a town with a very large hill overlooking it. US 61 South.
Still on US 61 SB. A glimpse of the icy Mississippi.
The road goes very close to the river. Very close.
The road has to dodge some bluffs ahead. US 61 starts to get windier and hillier.
Yes, back into Wisconsin for just a quick jaunt. Another 4-lane segment of US 61.
There's a wide median here on US 61 SB. More US 61 SB.
A dark scene in La Crosse, WI. Another dark scene in La Crosse.

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