Augusta Trip

Page Three


About to cross US 1. This photograph is perfect-- completely straight with the right amount of road before the sign, and the signs themselves are all prim and proper.
Got off the interstate for a minute to go to Popeyes.  So I snapped this pic of I-520, the Bobby Jones Expressway, from US 1 southbound. US 1 SB shield.
I-520 NB at US 78 and US 278. I-520 is about to encounter its northern terminus.
GA 232 takes over for I-520 at I-20. A bad shot of an I-20 shield, but its the best one I got.
The road is concrete, making for a nice ride. At the GA 388 exit, which is apparently the Horizon South Parkway.
At US 221. An I-20 WB scene.
We got off I-20 at GA 80 near Camak. Barn.  Hay.
More barn, less hay.  Or shoot, is that a house? Okay, so I was conked the freak out at this point, so these pics are all new to me as well.  But this is, as far as I know, GA 171 SB.
SB GA 171. It's kinda pretty over here.  Too bad I didn't see it with my own two eyes.
Keepin' on keepin' on. I'm running out of things to say.
Ooh, a hill. Amanda J's first cotton field.
All right, we're on a new road:  GA 88, which is an expressway from GA 171 southward to Sandersville, where we will get off at GA 15. Proof I know what I'm talking about.
More GA 88. In Sandersville now.
These is some dang funky shields. Downtown Sandersville.
In Wrightsville at GA 57. Now in the town of Adrian, at US 80.
To I-16.  This crazy mofo was going at least 90 down the 2-lane road.  He even passed Amanda J.
Take I-16 to Savannah.  Why else would you use this boring road? I-16 shield with the road to boot.
With the state patrol out, and someone else driving, these were the longest 95 miles of my life. Skip ahead a few minutes, and here is my attempt at the Jacksonville skyline at night while moving at 55 m.p.h.
And here's Amanda J's attempt. Whoa there, that's it for the Augusta Roadtrip.  See y'all next time!

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