The Virginias

Mini-trip through VA and WV



In late December 2004, starting out in Jefferson, MD, my granddad and I headed up to I-81 at Hagerstown, then zipped down through West Virginia on WV 9.  We picked up US 340 South and headed into Virginia, where we went east on VA 7 to Leesburg.  Then back to Jefferson on US 15 North.  The above pic is of WV 9 Eastbound nearing Charles Town.


I-70 WB between Frederick and Hagerstown, Maryland. A blurry shot of an I-81 shield with the Maryland state name inside.
Exit 1 SB on I-81.  West Virginia is right ahead. Crossing the Potomac River as we enter the state of West Virginia.
A scene from I-81 SB in northeast West Virginia.  West Virginia is a nice state because it lets its travelers go 70 mph. Going east on WV 9 and south on US 11 nearing Martinsburg.  I-81 bypasses the town to the west.
Some utility work in Martinsburg on US 11 and WV 9. An overhead Little Green Sign on US 11 and WV 9 in Martinsburg.
Martinsburg starts to get pretty after the previous picture. The scene on WV 9 east of Martinsburg.
WV 9 EB in the middle of nowhere. Another nowhere, but pretty, scene on WV 9 EB.
WV 9 spreads out a bit before connecting with US 340 South to bypass Charles Town. Welcoming US 340 to the roadway.
Now just over the state line in Virginia.  You can tell that the SB lanes (the ones we're on) were the original road and the NB lanes are new construction. Historic places are along the road.
Still on US 340 SB in Virginia. US 340 crossing VA 7.  We turn left, or east, here.  Interesting how WV and VA sign US 340 as N/S while MD signs it E/W.
VA 7 EB. VA 7 isn't quite a freeway, and it is only 55 mph, but it is still a pretty quick way to get around.
Eventually, VA 7 will climb those mountains ahead. It gets trafficky on VA 7 east of Leesburg.  We stopped at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, where my uncle is the director of facility services.  See for more.
US 15 NB north of Leesburg.  It is quite heavily trafficked through this 2-lane stretch. Verification that we are actually on US 15 North.
US 15 goes through some pretty country in northern Virginia. There are some sharp curves coming up before US 15 crosses the Potomac.
Like this curve on a blurry US 15. About to cross the Potomac into Maryland.
I think I was starting to slack off here at the end, as all the pics are blurred.  The Maryland welcome sign is just past this intersection at MD 28. Another blurred.  US 15 North in Maryland.
Whoa!!  A non-blurry pic of US 15 North!! Now on MD 464 West.
Still MD 464. I imagine this might be what it is like as a drunk driver-- all blurry and such.  But this road is really hilly and pretty and quite nice.
So pretty... We've just about reached Jefferson again.  This is on a back road that is also hilly and curvy and follows a creek.

That's all folks.
