Dave Matthews Band Roadtrip

Oh yeah.  That's right.  DMB.


June 4th was such a great day, and not because I got to take a roadtrip!  Went to the DMB show at Starlake near Pittsburgh, PA.  From Cleveland Heights, I made my way down to US 22 and into Pennsylvania and the show. 

OH 8 South.  This road is an expressway sorta north of the Akron area and the southern burbs of Cleveland. But as we get near the Blossom Music Center (where, incidentally, DMB played a week or so after my show), OH 8 becomes a full-fledged expressway.
See?  OH 8 South. Now OH 59 has joined up.
I like when numbers are consecutive like this. New Philly is where US 250 heads.
US 250 is a freeway for a bit east of I-77. I believe this Lowe's is near New Philadelphia.
And now we pick up an astonishingly high and mighty number: 800. Notice that the Business 250 shield is green and has the words "Business Loop" inside it.
Coming up on US 36, and the end of the US 250 freeway at Uhrichsville. Red Light!
The eastern end of US 36.  It goes from here all the way into the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. The 2-lane US 250 begins.
A little detour to pick up Carroll County on OH 151. OH 151 gets hillier and curvier after Bowerston.
I guess it's Amish Country here.  And that van, by the way, was most certainly not traveling 55 m.p.h. Methinks this is Scio, OH.
More hills and curves on OH 151. Now at US 22.
US 22 and OH 151 shields. This freeway is really slow at 55 m.p.h.
I have never seen a county route shield on a BGS like this in Ohio before. East US 22.
OH 7 at Steubenville. It's hard to figure out from the road, but that bridge in the background is US 22 over the Ohio River into West Virginia.  But to get to Weirton, you have to stay in the left lane.
The last few exits in Ohio on US 22. Welcome to West Virginia!
WV 2 splits here. Control City: Pittsburgh.
Keepin' on keepin' on.  US 22 East. The last WV pic.
Welcome to the Keystone State! Destination: Post-Gazette Pavilion!  YES!
PA 18 to Burgettstown is the exit in question. Look at all these people coming to see Dave and the boys!

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