I-355 Construction

Years after it was first proposed, the I-355 extension from I-55 to I-80 has finally begun.  And it is supposed to be done by the end of 2007.  I got some early construction photos on my trip up there in mid-September 2006.  Enjoy!


The current end of I-355 is here at I-55.  But you can see all the work that is being done. Construction of a new flyover ramp from SB I-355 to NB I-55.
Current end of the tollway. There is even a North I-55 shield here on the current ramp from SB I-355 to NB I-55, which has always annoyed me.
Looking south at the roadbed for future I-355. See previous description.
The construction-riddled ramp to NB I-55. Skip ahead a few, and we have IL 7 North where I-355 will soon intersect.
At IL 7. On some country road (I forget the name) in Will County, where I-355 is going to cross.
It was getting dark, so it's blurry, but it's also I-355 right of way to the north. I think this is looking south.
And this is IL 171 SB where I-355 will cross. The End.

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